Friday 7 November 2008

End of the prelim task....

Welcome back after half term! Hopefully you have been working hard and completing your prelim task.
Your final blog about your prelim needs to evaluate and reflect on your magazine cover and contents page. You have been given a list of questions you need to address in your final blog - make sure your use specific exmaples and refer to the work you have done.

Deadline for Miss Byramjee and Mr Beavis is Friday 14th. We need you to have your blog completed by then and hand in colour copies of your front cover and contents page. Make sure you keep a copy on your computer as we will need to send this off to the moderator on a CD.

Friday 17 October 2008

Update of where you should be and your blogs

Hello Yr 12,

Hopefully your projects are going well and you are at the stage of mocking up a few different versions of your front covers. Here are some things to consider:

1. Your blogs need to be specific and use MEDIA LANGUAGE, for example, if you are blogging about other college magazine, use and example and then add some analysis. Something like, 'High Profile used an image of 3 girls, who have their faces painted. This was taken in close up and their smiling faces give the impression they are happy at school and learn in a fun, active environment.'

2. We want to know HOW and WHY you have reached decisions about your front cover. Link this you to research into other college magazines, published magazines you have analysed and your questionnaire data. For example, 'I want to create a bright, colourful magazine, in the style of Heat, which uses lots of teasers, plugs and sell lines. Using my research questionnaires and from speaking to students, I discovered they wanted articles on ................. and therefore this influenced my choice of sell line, which are going to be..........................'

3. Give details of the photo you are planning to take:
  • Who will be in it? (gender and ethnicity)
  • Where exactly will it be taken?
  • What costumes / make up do you want?
  • What props are needed?
  • When are you planning to take it? (No 'actors' can be taken out of lessons)

4. What fonts / colours have you chosen and WHY?

5. What's your masthead / title and WHY?

6. What feedback did you get from your classmates / teachers? How did this influence your final decisions?

Keep blogging!!

Friday 10 October 2008

Miss Matheson says...

'Looking forward to seeing your AMAZING front covers!'

Thursday 9 October 2008

Where we've got to so far....


This is where we've got to so far (if you're in Miss B's groups):

1. Analysed the front cover of a magazine

2. Looked at advertising and how this is influenced by audiences

3. Analysed other 6th form magazines and their front covers

4. Begun brainstorming your ideas for your own 6th form magazine

5. Completed your questionnaires and collated the results.
So, if you're here, WELL DONE, if you're not, better spend some time working rather than having a social life.